The three pillars of the energy outlook 2021 report

20.09.24 01:27 PM By Energy Job Search

While there is certainly a lot going on in the world of energy, there are three main trends highlighted in the report:

Winds of Change

Change is certainly becoming the new normal for the industry. In fact, the report highlighted that career changes are in the pipeline, with nearly three-quarters (73%) of all employees stating that they are looking to move jobs. And the shift across energy specialisms looks set to continue, with more than a third (37%) of workers in the oil and gas sector revealing that they are considering migrating to renewables. And with the skills shortage continuing to rage on in energy, skills development and staffing needs will only continue to evolve.

Sectors workers are considering

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Health and Safety

As alluded to above, H&S is of increasing importance for the sector. In fact, half of those surveyed indicated that they would turn down a job offer if a company had a poor health and safety reputation. While there were some global variances in this aspect, it was, on-the-whole, a highly important issue for the energy workforce, with on-going H&S training highlighted as a key requirement for many professionals.

Areas with compliancy concerns

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Future Outlook

Looking ahead, the energy industry is facing continued transitions, with the future of remuneration changing and the shift towards empowering local talent due to mobility problems set to disrupt energy throughout the year. But with the race towards zero emissions heating up and exciting innovations constantly emerging in the sector, it is an exciting time to be working in the energy field.

Industry Statement

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Download the Energy Outlook 2021 Report

The above is a quick insight into the many trends identified in the Energy Outlook 2021 Report. Visit the Energy Outlook download page now and download your free copy to find out what lies ahead for energy in 2021.